The Truth About the 10 Month Sleep Regression: What to Expect

What is the 10 month sleep regression?

The 10 month sleep regression is a period of disrupted sleep that many parents experience with their babies around the age of 10 months. It is a normal and temporary phase in a baby’s development, but it can be challenging for both the baby and the parents. Understanding the sleep regression is important for parents because it helps them navigate through this phase with patience and knowledge, and it can also provide reassurance that they are not alone in this experience.

The Truth About the 10 Month Sleep Regression: What to Expect

During the 10 month sleep regression, parents can expect their baby’s sleep patterns to change. This can include increased night waking, difficulty falling asleep, shorter naps, and overall restless sleep. It is important to note that every baby is different, so the extent and duration of these changes may vary.

One common misconception about the sleep regression is that it is caused by a baby’s inability to self-soothe or sleep independently. While this can be a factor, the sleep regression is primarily caused by developmental changes that occur around this age. Babies are going through significant cognitive and physical developments, such as learning to crawl or walk, which can disrupt their sleep patterns.

Understanding the 10 Month Sleep Regression

The 10 month sleep regression is caused by a combination of factors. Firstly, babies at this age are going through significant developmental changes, such as increased mobility and cognitive abilities. These changes can lead to increased excitement and exploration during the day, making it harder for them to settle down and relax at night.

Additionally, separation anxiety often peaks around 10 months, which can also contribute to disrupted sleep. Babies may wake up more frequently during the night and have difficulty falling back asleep without their parents’ presence.

Signs and Symptoms of the 10 Month Sleep Regression

Some common signs and symptoms of the 10 month sleep regression include increased night waking, difficulty falling asleep, shorter naps, and overall restlessness during sleep. It is important to note that these symptoms can also be present in other sleep disturbances, such as teething or illness.

To differentiate the sleep regression from other sleep disturbances, it is important to look for patterns and consistency in the changes. If the disrupted sleep patterns persist for several weeks and are accompanied by other signs of the sleep regression, such as increased separation anxiety or developmental milestones, it is likely that the baby is going through the 10 month sleep regression.

Causes of the 10 Month Sleep Regression

The 10 month sleep regression is primarily caused by the developmental changes that occur around this age. Babies are learning new skills, such as crawling or walking, which can lead to increased excitement and exploration during the day. This can make it harder for them to settle down and relax at night.

Separation anxiety also peaks around 10 months, which can contribute to disrupted sleep. Babies may wake up more frequently during the night and have difficulty falling back asleep without their parents’ presence. This is a normal part of their development and is a sign that they are forming secure attachments with their caregivers.

How Long Does the 10 Month Sleep Regression Last?

The duration of the 10 month sleep regression can vary from baby to baby. On average, it can last anywhere from 2-6 weeks. However, some babies may experience shorter regressions, while others may have longer ones.

Several factors can affect the length of the sleep regression. These include the baby’s temperament, their ability to self-soothe, and how consistent the parents are with their sleep routines and strategies. It is important for parents to remember that this is a temporary phase and that their baby’s sleep patterns will eventually return to normal.

Coping Strategies for Parents During the 10 Month Sleep Regression

Managing sleep deprivation during the 10 month sleep regression can be challenging for parents. Here are some tips for coping with this phase:

1. Take care of yourself: It is important for parents to prioritize their own sleep and self-care during this time. This can include taking naps when the baby is sleeping, asking for help from family or friends, and practicing relaxation techniques to reduce stress and anxiety.

2. Establish a consistent sleep routine: Having a consistent bedtime routine can help signal to the baby that it is time to sleep. This can include activities such as a warm bath, reading a book, or singing a lullaby.

3. Create a sleep-friendly environment: Make sure the baby’s sleep environment is conducive to sleep. This can include keeping the room dark, using white noise or a sound machine to drown out any external noises, and ensuring that the temperature is comfortable.

Sleep Training During the 10 Month Sleep Regression

Sleep training is a method that some parents choose to use during the 10 month sleep regression to help their baby learn to self-soothe and sleep independently. There are different sleep training methods available, such as the Ferber method or the extinction method.

It is important for parents to determine if sleep training is appropriate for their baby during the sleep regression. Some babies may be ready for sleep training, while others may not be developmentally ready yet. It is also important to consider the baby’s temperament and the parents’ comfort level with sleep training methods.

The Importance of Consistency During the 10 Month Sleep Regression

Consistency is key when it comes to a baby’s sleep, especially during the 10 month sleep regression. Babies thrive on routine and predictability, so it is important for parents to establish and maintain consistent sleep routines and strategies.

Consistency helps babies feel secure and know what to expect, which can help them settle down and relax at night. It also helps reinforce healthy sleep habits and can make it easier for the baby to transition out of the sleep regression.

Tips for Helping Your Baby Sleep Better During the 10 Month Sleep Regression

There are several strategies that parents can use to help their baby sleep better during the 10 month sleep regression:

1. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule: Establishing a consistent sleep schedule can help regulate the baby’s internal clock and make it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep.

2. Create a calm and soothing bedtime routine: Having a consistent bedtime routine can help signal to the baby that it is time to sleep. This can include activities such as a warm bath, reading a book, or singing a lullaby.

3. Provide a sleep-friendly environment: Make sure the baby’s sleep environment is conducive to sleep. This can include keeping the room dark, using white noise or a sound machine to drown out any external noises, and ensuring that the temperature is comfortable.

When to Seek Professional Help for the 10 Month Sleep Regression

While the 10 month sleep regression is a normal and temporary phase, there may be instances where it is necessary to seek professional help. Some signs that it may be necessary to seek professional help include:

– The baby’s sleep patterns do not improve after several weeks
– The baby’s sleep disturbances are causing significant distress for the baby or the parents
– The baby’s overall development or behavior is affected by the sleep regression

If any of these signs are present, it is important to consult with a pediatrician or a sleep specialist who can provide guidance and support.

Life After the 10 Month Sleep Regression: What to Expect

After the 10 month sleep regression, many babies will start to settle back into their normal sleep patterns. However, it is important for parents to continue to prioritize healthy sleep habits and routines to maintain good sleep hygiene.

It is common for babies to experience occasional sleep disturbances even after the sleep regression, such as teething or illness. By maintaining consistency and providing a sleep-friendly environment, parents can help their baby navigate through these disruptions and establish healthy sleep habits for the long term.


The 10 month sleep regression is a normal and temporary phase in a baby’s development. Understanding the sleep regression is important for parents because it helps them navigate through this phase with patience and knowledge. By implementing coping strategies, maintaining consistency, and seeking professional help when necessary, parents can support their baby through the 10 month sleep regression and establish healthy sleep habits for the future.

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